Valts Ernštreits, 2016
This article discusses developments affecting Livonian during the last decade. It describes actions to promote Livonian during this period, for example, the International Year of Livonian Language and Culture and also discusses the status of Livonian in Latvia, the social setting for its use, and the ways in which it is used in everyday life. This article offers insight into the difficulties associated with Livonian language acquisition and language development as well as a description of Livonian language pedagogical materials and other resources, which have been recently developed or are in the process of being developed. Likewise, methods and opportunities for further developing Livonian and improving its current situation are examined in the context of potential solutions as well as already existing initiatives.
ESUKA / JEFUL. Special issue “Studies on Livonian II”. 2016.
Full article: Valts Ernštreits, Livonian in Recent Years [ESUKA – JEFUL 2016, 7–1]