Daily words
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 kõikjal ▫ visur ● A’mši jelābõd tīedõ. Kõikjal töötatakse. ▫ Visur strādā.

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 sulamine ▫ saplūšana ♦ līvlizt ku’bbõ su’llimi lețliztõks K84 liivlaste kokkusulamine lätlastega ▫ lībiešu saplūšana ar latviešiem

stempiļtõ vt
 tembeldada ▫ zīmogot ● Stempiļtõb stempiļi pǟlõ kǭrtõdõn. KK78b34 Tembeldatakse templeid [post]kaartidele peale. ▫ Zīmogo zīmogus uz [past]kartēm.

Welcome to the new section on livones.net hosting various resources for learning about and studying Livonian. Currently, this section contains studies of Livonian, the newest online version of the Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary, the Livonian place name register, and a list of words borrowed from Livonian into Latvian. These Livonian language resources were developed with the support of the Latvian Language Agency (Latviešu valodas aģentūra).

Along with individual words, their meanings, and examples showing their use in context, each entry in the Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary also contains that word’s declined or conjugated forms. These can be accessed by clicking on the type number after the entry. The expanded search makes it possible to find the search term in other dictionary entries as well as the uses of this word within the Livonian written language corpus.

Already this year, this new section of the portal will be supplemented with sections from the new Tartu University Livonian language reference grammar as they become available.

1998 – following the initiative of the Liv Culture Centre and the International Liv Friends’ Society the President of Ministers passed an order to establish a working group to draw up the state long-term program ‘Livs in Latvia’.
1796 – in Miķeļtornis village in Viļumi farmstead, Jāņ Prints, Sen., a Liv poet and translator was born. Died in 1868.
1988 – in Rīga, the Liv Union was restored under the name of ‘Liv Culture Union’(Līvõd kultūr īt).
1860 – in Mazsalaca, Ādams Butuls, a doctor, the first chairman of the Liv Friends’ Society, Latvia was born. Died in 1938.
1941 – Ieva Neilande, a historian, the first chairperson of the restored Liv Union was born. Died in 2006.