Daily words
lipš|vakā s
 etn.  lüpsik, piimapütt ▫ slaucene

škinkõ vt
 kinkida ▫ dāvināt ● Škīnkõb – jõvāst sidāmõst āndab. KK77 a Kingib – heast südamest annab. ▫ Dāvina – no labas sirds dod. Škinktõd ibīzõn ambidi ä’b vaņțlõ. Kingitud hobusele suhu ei vaadata. ▫ Dāvinātam zirgam zobus neskatās.

mie’r s
 meri ▫ jūra ♦ pids mīerda merd mööda ▫ pa jūru ● Ku rištīng u’m jūobõn, si’z mie’r u’m pūola sǭņi. Kui inimene on joobnud, siis on meri põlvini. ▫ Kad cilvēks ir piedzēries, tad jūra ir līdz ceļiem. Mie’rrõ u’m lē’mõst. J20 Peab merele minema. ▫ Jāiet jūrā.

This portal was created by Līvõ Kultūr sidām (The Livonian Culture Centre) and offers a wide range of information on the Livonians, their culture, language, and history. Here you can discover the places the Livonians have lived, their cultural monuments, the location of their most important archives, and also about new Livonian-related events and exhibitions. You can learn about Livonian traditional and contemporary culture as well as become acquainted with their community organisations and most important personalities. The UL Livonian Institute section contains information about this institution as well as Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary which is updated on an ongoing basis and which is supplemented with word forms and data from the Livonian language corpus. This section also contains the Livonian place name list, a list of Livonian borrowings in Latvian, and other resources for learning about and studying Livonian. The Library section contains a collection of articles, links, and videos on Livonian topics grouped by category.

We wish you success learning about Livonian culture!

1869 – Uļi Kīnkamäg, a Liv poet, called the King of Livs was born. Died in 1932.
1943 – Uldis Krasts, a poet, playwright and producer, was born.
1994 – Līvõ Kultūr Sidām (the Liv Culture Centre) was founded.
1999 – in Staicele, information centre and museum Pivālind of Metsepole district was opened.
1999 – A Liv-Latvian, Latvian-Liv Dictionary compiled by Valt Ernštreit was presented.